Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Public User: Please pray for me, Dear Jesus, pray to heal Viola Cleo Bradshaw out of body experience and near death experience. I need my mind and soul in my body. Pray Viola Cleo Bradshaw has deep sleep.. i need brainstem healing and for a broken nose.can you set me free from Satan. Lift up My son Eledaa or Elad to invite Jesus into his heart and to stop drifting. Amen. I have faith the Lord will grant my wish. Jesus is a great teacher.
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Andrew and Nicole : Prayer for Andrew and Nicole God to have someone bless us with money and God to remove all financial curses over our life in Jesus name amen and put hedge around our blessings in spiritual realm and God to supernatural give this money blessing to us so we know it's from God and block our enemies from holding back our blessings and speaking curses over us not to have money and Devine help and favor praise Yahweh
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Andrew Pick : Prayer for Andrew Pick Healing for bipolar disorder depression and fatigue always also spiritual happiness and strength inner peace and healing for health God to restore everything the enemy stolen from me mentally physically in Jesus's Name Amen
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Public User: Prayer for Andrew and Nicole Protection in our marriage also Happiness and love and peace also pray for us to have blessed summer full of unexpected blessings maricles supply all our needs physical spiritual and all our prayers to be answered and God to restore everything the enemy stolen from us spiritual, physical and God gives us wisdom and good health and good mental health in Jesus name amen thank you for praying for us
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Public User: please pray for a good people, animal friends also form abroad to rescue a black and white cat with nickname Karalis from animal shelter J. or he can be killed. Pray for information to be spread on all social media and for pet charities, helpers to be involved. Thank
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Public User: Please pray for my husband and I to have our first baby together
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Public User: please pray for the dog Herta to get a new safe home, she cant stay at current temporary shelter. Thanks
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Public User: Please, pray for a poor striped young cat whose both owners died, to get help and a safe home. Pray for people concerned about the cat to receive several calls and messages with offers of homes. Thank you
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Public User: heavenly father, help me, You knows my pain, You always know what was happened because You see everything a most hidden corner , I come with a broken heart, Father, You knows how long I have waited a reconcilitation for me and him. God if you deign, please God soften and touch damianus aditya christie heart for me. I can’t touch his heart, but Lord you can. please bless those who hate me, don't let their hatred on I made them proud. God you be able to do all things. you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. please make this miracle happen for me
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Public User: I am asking all prayers warriors to please come in agreement with me. My loan processors did not submit documents to the bank, and this is the final extension for me to close on our home before the sellers void the contract. I pray that I received a clear to close with no conditions within the next 5 days. This is going to take a miracle that only God can provide. All options have been exhausted. I have been under contract for an extended amount of time. My file is being reviewed as we speak by the underwriter. Please Father, provide me and my children favor. I have already given notice to my landlord and the rental I am in is being put on the market. I am a single mom and losing my earnest fee, inspection fees and the other fees required will be a huge set back. I come to you Father humbly and give all my praise, faith and trust in you. Please Father, I beg you to show us favor. I pray this in your name Amen.
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Public User: Help and pray you too for me in my the fight against false doctrine who not confess Jesus blood in salvation,but use own victims,thanks fo helping,bless,keijo sweden
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kia : Please pray for my family. We have lived in the area for over 3years and I was informed yesterday that my landlord is in foreclose and the bank wants me out in less than 20 days. I have a son that will graduate high school at Champlin Park next year, I have a daughter who will be moving to the middle school next year. I spend all night awake crying I do not know what to do. My 3yr old just started a new childcare in the area. My 10 yr old daughter is hard of hearing and selective mutism. She has made huge improvements with her teachers and school. She wants so badly to go to middle school at Jackson. This is the first time in actually has friends. I am so very sad. I am currently, in my last school term and will be a license Emotional Behavior Teacher. I am working fulltime while I am completing my student teaching placement and I have secured a teaching position for next school year. I can’t get rid of this headache and my stomach is in knots. I feel like I may need to drop out so I can quickly find housing. I am working/student teaching 7:30-3:30pm and attend school Mondays 4:00-7pm and Wednesdays 5-9:45pm. I am so sad and feel defeated I don’t know what to do please please pray for that I can find and secure housing immediately.
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Public User: Help and pray you too for me in my the fight against false doctrine who not confess Jesus blood in salvation,but use own victims to save alot place of Scandinavien,thanks for helping to win that the war,bless,keijo sweden
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Public User: Please pray for that God can help me not to lost my salvation and my job as a Leisure and Cultural Services Department Workman II in the Kak Tin Playground so that I can continue to preach the gospel, sorry and thank you, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, A-Men.
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Public User: Pastor Chris, you married us the second time, transformed, and made anew. But, I have fallen to lead this marriage to the greatest thing it can be.We are now seperated, I please pray for my wife's heart to heal, to see the blessing of this marriage, that it can be great together. Please pray for me, to listen to the spirit, love my wife the way God planned and intended for us.
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Phil Chavez: I'm 43 ,Never been in a relationship..Please Pray GOD brings me (Phil Chavez) women companion for loving relationship in JESUS Name Amen.Pray GOD brings me relationship exceedingly abundantly above what i can imagine in JESUS Name Amen
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Dawn: Please pray for my dad. He's in the hospital after having some pains and tingling in his arms. Woke up this morning in a cold sweat. He's in good spirits now. His doctor happened to be on call. They are going in tomorrow morning at 9 to explore. Hoping to just move some things around, but if needed, open heart surgery right then and there. Please pray for him to be calm tonight and not worry... and for the doctors to figure out what is going on.
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Matt: Please pray for my mom. She's been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer that has metastasized to the spine. With treatment her prognosis is only about 18-24 months. Please pray for minimal pain and for peace and comfort for our family.
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Laura: Please pray for Marge. She's 92 and is very frail. She was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia and her family is geographically separated from her. Please pray for His peace for her and for her family. Please pray for strength for her husband (who is close by) and for her son (who is remote).
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Public User: Please pray for Luke and Kristine and their family. Luke's mom fell and injured her head while snow-blowing yesterday (12/27). She had emergency surgery to relieve bleeding in her brain. Please pray for complete healing and restoration.
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Public User: I want to be in a great relationship. I am very lonely. I want to have a job that I have enough money to pay all my debt and be of more service.
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Public User: For Jessica: [1] Healing for the tendons in her foot (possible tear during healing from surgery); [2] for Jessica and her son (Logan) who will be visiting with her for the first time in over a year; and [3] that Jessica might qualify for Medicaid assistance as she continues to deal with significant medical expenses.
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Public User: From a co-worker: Family drama as the holiday's are here. Today marks four years since my mother passed away and we just can't seem to get it together. It's very sad for me. You know we're a family of mostly unbelievers (though Christ is working through us). I get pretty discouraged this time of the year -- which also upsets me to no end. I just got to give it up. God's got it and I can't try to fix the brokenness.
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Joyful Life Church Site Administrator: Lord, we lift up Bennett H. and his wife and family. Bennett is now in hospice and facing his final days. Father, we ask that You bring him home safely and as painlessly as possible and that he is reunited with loved ones. May his wife and family find the peace and grace that can only come from You. We pray this in Jesus' name, Amen.
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Pastor Chris: For clarity in next steps in my career. Lord, am I to turn to full-time ministry work or remain in the "secular" workforce and embrace ministry opportunities there? I just want to be obedient to You, Lord.
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