Pastor Chris is a certified facilitator of the PREPARE/ENRICH relationship assessment.
PREPARE/ENRICH is a customized couple assessment (completed online) that identifies a couple’s strength and growth areas. It is one of the most widely used programs for premarital counseling and premarital education. It is also used for marriage counseling, marriage enrichment, and dating couples considering engagement.
Based on a couple’s assessment results, Pastors Chris and Cathy provide 4-8 feedback sessions during which they help the couple discuss and understand their results as they are taught proven relationship skills.
PREPARE/ENRICH leads the way in helping couples explore and strengthen their relationships and is not just another survey. The items you respond to are based on research and are intended to help you identify the unique strengths and potential growth areas of your premarital or married relationship. Built on a solid research foundation, PREPARE/ENRICH has been improved and refined over the years to become one of the best, most effective, easy-to-use relationship assessment tools available.
Check out some of the comments from couples who have experienced PREPARE/ENRICH.
If you are interested in participating in this excellent program, please contact us.